+=============================================+ 12 December, 1993 Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade v1.01 Program and documentation written by Steven Fox and copyright © 1993 by Leaping Lizards, Taiwan WAV samples snagged by Steven Fox, who claims no copyright to them whatsoever. This program is distributed as freeware. +=============================================+ WHY? Why not? Okay, sure, you don't need sound effects to use Font Monster. But Font Monster was never intended to be a totally serious, boring, same as all the rest, utility. My god, if that was the intention, first I'd change it's name to "Font Man" or "Font Manager" or some other unoriginal name, then I'd make a really dull icon to go with it, like a picture of a lowercase letter "a" or something equally as boring as that. Then I'd totally remove any nice graphics so that it looked like any other Visual Basic slopped together piece of... It just wouldn't be the same, right? So...WHY?!? Well, this may sound silly, but you know those utilities that make sounds in Windows, like "WhoopItUp" or "IconHearIt" ? Well they can't hook into Visual Basic forms, so they're not of any use when you use Font Monster. Now, with the Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade, you can get sounds. BIG DEAL. Hey man, if you don't give a hoot then why did you download this? THE SOUNDS. I sampled all the included sounds myself using a SoundBlaster Pro at various sample rates. A hobby of mine is collecting sound effects and all of these sounds I have laying around at home on tapes or CDs. Most of the .WAV files are taken from WAV collections I sampled over a year ago, although they've never been generally released. The sounds mostly come from the James Brown, Star Trek SFX (not voices), cartoon SFX, and classic commercial jingles collections. I think there's also one in here from a classic newsreels and radio themes collection I'm building now. HOW TO INSTALL. Easy. Just PKUNZIP all the files into a single directory. It doesn't matter which. Run the UPGRADE.EXE program in Windows, and press the button to install the sounds. IT'S NOT THAT EASY ACTUALLY! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a couple things. First, you must have Font Monster 3.1 (or higher), and you must have used it at least once so that it can establish a pointer in your WIN.INI which tells Windows where it is. If you try to run the Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade without having Font Monster, it won't let you run it. And although it is impossible that you could have run Font Monster without these, it's worth mentioning that you must have VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory if you want to run this program. UPGRADE.EXE is a Visual Basic 3.0 program. WHAT IT DOES. Yeah, I know how you feel about letting some unknown, dinky little program, written by someone you might not consider totally sane, run wild with your hard disk and your WIN.INI file. Here's the scoop: First it finds that subdirectory FMONSTER.EXE is located in on your hard disk. Then it creates a WAV subdirectory in that subdirectory and simply copies all the .WAV files to there. As it's doing that, it adds the following lines to the [Sounds] section of your WIN.INI... FMActivate=,Font Monster-Activate group FMAdd=,Font Monster-Add icon FMCancel=,Font Monster-Cancel FMClick=,Font Monster-Click FMDelete=,Font Monster-Delete FMDrag=,Font Monster-Font list change FMExit=,Font Monster-Exit window FMGrid=,Font Monster-Font grid FMGroup=,Font Monster-Font groups FMHelp=,Font Monster-Help FMInstall=,Font Monster-Install font FMKeep=,Font Monster-Keep image FMNew=,Font Monster-New FMOk=,Font Monster-Ok FMOpen=,Font Monster-Open font FMPrint=,Font Monster-Print fonts FMCnfg=,Font Monster-Program config FMQuit=,Font Monster-Quit FMSave=,Font Monster-Save font FMStart=,Font Monster-Startup FMStop=,Font Monster-Stop! FMUndo=,Font Monster-Undo changes FMUninstall=,Font Monster-Uninstall font FMView=,Font Monster-View font FMWho=,Font Monster-Who? ...and then it attaches the appropriate WAV file to each of those functions. When it's all done, it launches Control Panel so you can take a look, and listen, to what it's done. By the way, you can simply edit in those above lines using Notepad, then use Control Panel to attach your own favorite sounds. And there is no reason why you can't move the supplied WAV files to another directory, or delete them altogether, or assign different sounds. Font Monster doesn't care. I don't care either. WHY IS THIS FREEWARE? The first reason is pretty obvious. There's no way I'm gonna have James Brown's lawyers ringing me up and asking for a share of the royalties. Heck, I'm not gonna claim copyright or charge money for something so blatantly ripped off. The poor guy's been ripped off too many times already. This policy goes for all the other sound effects too. The second reason is that the Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade is merely a limited use add-on to another program which is the real bread winner (NOT!) -- Font Monster. If you haven't registered Font Monster by now you must be sick, or injured, or somehow physically unable to stick a twenty in an envelope and post it off to Taiwan. I sincerely hope you get better soon. DISCLAIMER: I've said it before but it bears repeating: If this program messes up your system, SUE ME! (Don't you get tired of seeing a whole page of legal disclaimers, a fair amount of it ALL IN CAPS, warning you about this that and the other, in a stupid little README.TXT file. Give me a break.) MY ADDRESS: Steven Fox c/o Leaping Lizards 7F, No. 8, Lane 197 Chuang Ching Road Taipei 110 Taiwan, R.O.C. Fax: 886-2-729-0863 Internet E-mail address: steven.fox@f921.n720.z6.fidonet.org THE END Note: This copy of Font Monster Multimedia Upgrade is essentially identical to the one issued 6 June 1993 except that it has been recompiled with Visual Basic 3.0, and my address has changed.